martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

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Hi Cristina et al. As regards favourite books, I have to endorse Damir's suggestion about "Les Bienveillantes" by Jonathan Littell, quite impressive. In French I also like Houellebecq. In English... well, anyone who hasn't tried Nabokov should read him, a book after another. Try "The Real Life of Sebastian Knight". David Lodge I find quite enjoyable, and Ian McEwan, but as regards people writing now I'd go for Martin Amis first. And, Spanish authors... Javier Marías (Tu Rostro Mañana, Corazón tan blanco) or Antonio Muñoz Molina (La noche de los tiempos, Sefarad). Er, that's a whole shelf...

De todas formas, la conjunción entre lo que le ha gustado a uno y lo que le puede gustar a otra persona es totalmente imprevisible. 

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