sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

How Do You Use Story in Your Work?

Una discusión del grupo "Narrativity" de Linkedin, "cómo usas las historias en tu trabajo". Mi contribución:

La cosa del análisis metanarrativo desde luego está de actualidad, pues inmediatamente me llega este call for papers a través de la narrative-L. En el que se aprecian puntos de contacto con lo que digo:


Histories of Art History and Visual Culture as Narratives

We construct and present our understanding of art history and visual culture, and our relationship to these intertwined disciplines, through historiographies. Narrative theory provides a rich resource for investigating and re-imagining these disciplinary histories. This session will reflect on how these histories have been constructed in the past, on the impact they have on our understanding of the present moment, and on how else they might be constructed. To that end, this session invites papers that explore historiographies of art history and/or visual culture via character, voice, structure, and other narrative elements. Papers might address narratives of, or about, particular scholars, critics, or groups thereof (e.g., Denis Diderot, the Vienna School, the Independent Group, Wendy Beckett) and how these narratives have shaped disciplinary (or non- or anti-disciplinary) roles for them, or shaped the disciplines themselves—their purposes, audiences, etc. What motivates the structure(s) of these narratives? What narrative models have been favored (or sidelined) by whom, and to what effect? How have specific narrative forms influenced the production and consumption of scholarship in art history and/or visual culture? Do different media call forth different sorts of narratives and, if so, how do these inform disciplinary self-conceptions or self-presentations?

Information about SECAC, abstract guidelines, and abstract submission procedure available at: http://www.secollegeart.org/annual-conference.html


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