jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Artículos al CNR

O sea, el Centre for Narrative Research, de la University of East London. A cuya codirectora le escribo en respuesta a la circular de abajo:

Dear Corinne Squire:

I would like to suggest a few links for your "forthcoming and draft papers" page on the CNR.

Linkterature: From Word to Web

"Acritical Criticism, Critical Criticism: Reframing, Topsight, and Critical Dialectics."

"Rereading(,) Narrative(,) Identity(,) and Interaction."

"Narrating Narrating."

"Understanding Misreading: Hermeneutics of Retrospective Rereading"

"The Poetics of Subliminal Awareness"

The above papers are in English. Here follows a link to the SSRN page with my papers. Many of the papers are in Spanish, but there are some in English:
José Angel García Landa's papers:

Please include any of these links as you see fit.

Best regards,

Jose Angel García Landa
University of Zaragoza (Spain)

El 24/11/10 17:15, Corinne Squire escribió:
> Dear listmembers,
> You may know that we have a 'forthcoming and draft papers' page on the CNR
> website. It's a popular and well- used feature of the site.  It showcases
> papers on narrative that have been published in a later form in a
> peer-reviewed journal or book, or that have been given a 'light touch' review
> by CNR members and advisors.
> We are hoping to add some more papers this year. If you'd like to submit
> papers for the page, please can you send them to me by December 17?
> We're also going to add links to relevant papers that are now available
> through institutional repositories, so if you have papers about narrative
> research that can be accessed in this way, you're welcome to send us the
> URLs.
> Best wishes, Molly Andrews, Corinne Squire, and Maria Tamboukou (codirectors)
> Professor Corinne Squire
> Codirector, Centre for Narrative Research
> School of Social Sciences, Media and Cultural Studies
> University of East London, Docklands Campus
> 4-6 University Way, London E16 2RD, UK
> c.squire@uel.ac.uk
> http://www.uel.ac.uk/ssmcs/staff/squire-corinne.htm 


PS: Por lo que veo, por fin han incluido el enlace a mi página de artículos del SSRN, en esta página.

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